Baptism candidates will be baptized on the first Sunday of each month during our 10:45am service.
Baptism is the outward symbol that an individual has accepted Christ, repented of their sins, and made a promise to God to follow His will. Candidates will experience water immersion symbolizing the change that a person has made in their life. Going under the water shows that the person has died to their former way of life and is starting a new life as a Christian.
Being baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the holy spirit means recognizing that the Father is the creator, the Almighty God and has ultimate authority; the Son is Jesus Christ who gave His life for us, and the holy spirit is the way that God communicates with us.

Each candidate will need to bring the following:
- A pair of shorts, such as spandex shorts, that can be worn underneath a baptism gown
- A simple tee shirt or tank shirt that can be worn underneath a baptism gown
- An additional set of undergarments
- One pair of white socks
- Hair clips or hair bands if needed (for those with longer hair or hairstyles such as braids or locs).
Macedonia MBC (321) 729-6597, option 1
Rev. SJ Spradley (321) 794-1874
Deacon Darin Mitchell (321) 426-5224
Sis. Sheila K. Jones (321) 544-7739
New Members are required to attend the New Members Orientation Class. The class is taught by Rev. Francine Hernandez and meets on Sundays at 9:15am for six (6) meetings. The classes are held on the 2nd Floor of the Family Life Center.